Advertising Principles Across All Advertising

When you run any type of advertising for your business, there are some basic principles that you should follow.

It's also important to remember that each advertising medium has its own nuances. If you want to get the most out of your social advertising,  you'll need to master them.

Facebook advertising is no exception to this.

Facebook Advertising Strategy Fundamentals 

Let's face it, Facebook advertising is a constantly changing environment. 

It's super easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest hack and tactic.  

There's a time and a place for tactics and hacks…but not unless you have a solid Facebook advertising strategy in place. 

In this video, I talk about exactly how you can boost your Facebook ad conversions. 

By focusing on these strategies, you can optimize your ads for the Facebook platform.

The 3 Keys To A Solid Facebook Advertising Strategies

1. Your Messaging

Remember, this is interruption marketing.  

Writing Facebook Advertising copy is extremely different from traditional copywriting.  

By knowing exactly who your ideal prospect is, and what stage they are in the process of when they'll see your advertisement should dictate the type of messaging you use at this stage. 

2. Your Offer

There's nothing more discouraging then launching a campaign that you “think” will convert, and then it doesn't. 

Remember, if you have an offer that's been converting but you've never put it in front of cold traffic, it's probably not going to convert the same way. 

Take the time to look at your offer with a fresh set of eyes before you run cold traffic to it.  

It will make a world of difference.

3. Your Strategy & Plan

Going, going, gone are the days where you can run only conversion campaigns.  

To have Facebook advertising success in 2020 and beyond, you're going to want to have a very intentional process to move prospects from complete strangers to raving fans. 

We do this for all of our agency clients by using our 3 Pillars To Successful Social Ads methodology.  

If you haven't grabbed our free mini-course on the 3 Pillars, you can click here to access it.  

Dive into more on this topic by watching the video below.

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