The Best Social Media Advertising is Value First.

The best social media advertising relies on delivering value to customers.


Because these days the Internet has become saturated with sales pitches.

The direct response style of advertising, although it can be useful, has now become something of an annoyance to customers.

Essentially, as great as your product or service may be, people aren’t going to want to think about buying it when you come right out and make an offer.

Facebook is filled with advertising from a multitude of different companies; your advertising will blend in with the rest.

The key to the best social media advertising is delivering value to customers because this way you give them a reason to learn more about you.

Free value is a way of attracting clients because it shows them that there really is something to gain.

Fill Your Prospects Emotional Bank Account

The concept of the emotional bank account was made popular by Stephen Covey in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

When you rely solely on direct response advertising, it’s as if you’re making constant withdrawals on someone’s emotional bank account.

You’re taking and taking without replacing what you’ve taken.

When you deliver value, on the other hand, you’re putting something back into the bank account, which means that you can make a withdrawal later on.

Although, the traditional direct response method – letters, coupons, mailers – have been effective for a long time, when it comes to the internet they tend to be a source of disdain.

Start delivering value to customers by offering something that you think they’ll find useful.

That’s the best social media advertising.

After all, sometimes it’s better to give than to receive.

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