Understanding The Customer Journey

The customer journey is not unlike all relationships.  It has stages and it takes time. 

 Have you ever proposed to someone on a first date? Odds are, you probably haven't, and there's a good reason.

There are multiple steps you have to take before you get to the point where someone is comfortable with marriage.

Or in other words, the path to marriage is a journey.

And just like with marriage, the path a customer takes from impression to sale is a journey too.

Just like you can't lead with marriage, you can't lead with the sale in marketing.

If you want to get the most out of your campaigns, you need to warm your audience up first, because someone will only buy from you if they know, like, and trust you.

The Customer Journey aka “The Sales Cycle”

If you like every business owner on the plant, the lifeblood of your business is sales.  If you want to generate a profit, it starts with a sale. 

Ideally, once you make a sale, you have a business model that allows you to get repeat purchases from that new customer.

That's the goal, right? 

But like a good relationship it doesn't start there.  

The sales cycle model we use in our agency has several steps:

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Consideration
  • Pre-Purchase
  • Purchase
  • Retention
  • Advocacy

customer journey

The first step in truly optimizing your sales cycle in your advertising campaigns is understanding the various steps.

In the video below, I talk about how you can use the customer journey in marketing, and why it's so vital in the first place.


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