Social Ad Strategy To Maximize Your Campaigns

Having a strong social ad strategy is critical to leverage any social advertising platform, especially Facebook and Instagram

Facebook has been the king of social advertising for a long time.

When Facebook first rolled out social ads, things were much different.

In the beginning, the power of Facebook was in the direct-response styled ads. These are the ads that go straight for the ask.  Where you could just ask for something directly.

But that doesn't cut it anymore, times have changed and so should your ad campaigns.

Moving Beyond A Direct Response Only Social Ad Strategy

People see loads of ads every day, which makes it much harder to get the conversions you're looking for with a simple direct-response campaign.

The average adult is seeing more than 400 marketing messages a day. 

Every day! 

Your prospect is being bombarded with decisions all day long.  Because of this, many people just throw up their hands and make no decisions at all.

However, you know that you have something that can really benefit them. 

So how do you stand out in all of those messages? 

What you need to see excellent results from your social ads is a change of strategy.

Adding The Customer Journey To Your Social Ad Strategy

As a result of the insane amount of marketing messages that we are bombarded with day after day, our agency has developed a methodology to break through all the noise. 

We take normal consumer behavior, the customer journey and our clients key performance objectives (KPI's) and we create advertising funnels to move people one step closer to buying.

As a result, we have seen our clients campaigns become profitable faster, and because of this, they're able to scale their social ad campaigns quicker.

The video below goes more into detail on this topic. Especially our methodology, The 3 pillars to successful social ad campaigns

We have a free mini class on The 3 Pillars if you want to go even deeper into the process that you can download here:  Download The 3 Pillars Mini Class 

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