As we roll into a new year, you might be asking yourself if you should be setting Facebook and Instagram Ad objectives for your business.

It seems like every time I turn around someone is asking me “are Facebook ads even relevant anymore?”  

So to give you the short answer: Not at all, Facebook & Instagram Ads are still kicking strong.

Just because Facebook (and their subsidiary Instagram) have hit a road block here and there, doesn't mean you shouldn't have Facebook and Instagram Ad objectives for your business. 

Setting Facebook & Instagram Ad Objectives

I'm not talking about the objectives you would choose in the Facebook Ads Manager.  I'm talking about your company outcomes.  The Facebook and Instagram Ad objectives for your business success. 

Because new marketing trends are popping up every day.

It seems like every year the “best” marketing strategy is entirely different than last year's.

Everyone is looking for the latest and greatest “hack” on the latest and greatest platform. 

Now is the time to start

The fact is, now is better than ever for a business to get an excellent start with Facebook and Instagram Ads.

If you want a fast start to 2020, having a clear strategy around this is key. 

In the video below, I talk about exactly how you can use them to give your business the marketing push it needs.

If you're ready to set Facebook and Instagram objectives for your business and need help creating a strategy, be sure and grab our free mini course on the 3 Pillars to Successful Social Ads

It's the strategy we use with all of our agency clients to create profitable and sustainable advertising campaigns. 

Want More Marketing Knowledge Bombs?

Check out Traci on her top rated podcast, the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Podcast.  With over 400 episodes, you're bound to find something to help you hone your marketing skills! 

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