In this series on Marketing in business, we're going to discuss why knowing your audience before you ever create your digital marketing campaigns is so important.

To get the most out of your marketing campaigns, you need to understand the foundations of advertising.

It's super important to be familiar with the essentials before running any ads so you can get the most out of them.


The 5 Levels of Awareness

In the video below, our CEO & Founder, Traci Reuter, talks about one of the essential foundations in marketing: The 5 Levels of Awareness.

The five levels of awareness is an idea pioneered by Eugene Schwartz, author of Breakthrough Advertising.  It's a tremendous book on marketing that if you can get your hands on a copy, you should. Every marketer should have a copy of this classic on their bookshelf, or better yet, on their desk. 

Marketing In Business With Time Tested Principles

The 5 levels of awareness is one of the foundations our company, Divine Social, is based on.


Because understanding your target audience’s point of view lets you craft the exact messages that convert.

Marketing to someone at the first level is an entirely different game than trying to sell to someone already at the fifth level.

Once you’ve become familiar with each level, you’ll be well on your way to marketing success.


Time Tested Principles For Today's Entrepreneur Marketing In Business?


We constantly get asked with all the changes that have happened in the digital marketing world if Facebook and Instagram ads are still worth it for small businesses.  

The key to your success in running advertising on any social platform starts with understanding these 5 levels of awareness.  

If you build your advertising strategy around them, you'll be in great shape, no matter the changes that come

Want More Marketing Knowledge Bombs?

Check out Traci on her top rated podcast, the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Podcast.  With over 400 episodes, you're bound to find something to help you hone your marketing skills! 

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