How to acquire customers through social ads

Are your social ads helping you acquire customers?

In the video below, we address some problems commonly seen in social advertising copy.

You want to make sure that your advertising dollars are being put to good use.

As a matter of fact, you probably want to make sure that all of your advertising dollars are being invested wisely.

Does anyone care about your advertising copy? 

It’s shocking how many people are running Facebook and Instagram ads with copy that nobody cares about.

Often, people who don’t know what they’re doing just make copy that explains how great they are and why you should do business with them.

But the copy doesn't include anything about the prospect.

There’s nothing about how they can solve the customer’s problem.

How can you write advertising copy that actually works?

Our 3 Pillars to social advertising success is a great resource.

In the 3 Pillars, we focus on building an audience, providing great value to that audience, and then asking for the sale.

This is a sequential and very deliberate process meant to make it easy to acquire customers.

The thing is, you want to be talking directly to the customer.

Most importantly, you can do this at every step of the way.

When you really talk to your customers, you won’t be wasting your ad dollars.

To do this, make sure that all of your copy targets what the customer cares about.

Address an issue that your customers have and demonstrate how you can help them.

For example, when you show value, rather than just talk about how great you are, the customers will be more likely to become interested.

Your ad dollars don’t need to go to waste.

Running Facebook and Instagram ads is one of the best ways to acquire customers.

Most importantly,  following the 3 Pillars strategy, you can make sure that you’re creating effective advertising copy and building your reach one step at a time.

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